The publishing landscape has changed forever. Ebooks now outsell paperbacks. Many more authors now self-publish. As a result several indie publishers are helping to shape that landscape by offering their professional services to authors who wish to self-publish while at the same time lending their more traditional publishing experience and expertise to the process and the final book.
However, many would-be authors are woefully unprepared for the self-publishing experience. The dream and the reality are in this case two very different things. Firstly, costs can ramp up quickly. Editing (who wants to continue reading an error-ridden, structurally incoherent manuscript?), cover design, book design, typesetting, getting ISBNs, proofing, choosing a printer, setting up online sales etc. These are the domain of the expert and unless you use their services or learn how to do these things yourself (time and cost intensive) you are in for a lot of pain and wasted time on the learning curve. Your time is better spent writing.
The services we offer to bring your book (autiobiography, novel, poetry anthology, other fiction and non-fiction offerings) to the marketplace allows you, the writer, to keep 100% of sales revenues while the publisher’s upfront costs are paid for. Some of these services inlcude:
Book development and consulting (outlining phase)
This means we work with you on conceptualisation, structure, time frames and writing schedule. Like creating software, you need a discovery document. What do you want to write about? Fiction or non-fiction? You wish to create your legacy and it is our vision to help you do so.
Author coaching and workshops
In-depth analysis of the theory of story. Story structure. Genre. Writing style. Assistance from concept to completion of the manuscript. This is very intensive like having a personal trainer.
Editing services which includes proofreading, full editing of manuscripts, editing of theses and technical documents
“First get it written then get it right”. We edit. We proofread.
Cover design services
Typesetting services (book design)
ISBN sourcing
eBook formatting (Kindle etc)
Printing, Distribution and Marketing services including making your book available on international sales portals like Amazon.